Dji - Phantom 3 ini gimbal und kamera schlägt fehl

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    • Dji - Phantom 3 ini gimbal und kamera schlägt fehl

      Hallo zusammen,

      nach dem letzten update meiner p3 pro, habe ich kein bild mehr am Ipad air, die kamera startet die ini ganz normal, ist abe nach 10 sec tot und hängt nur noch lose am gimbal. Fliegen geht ganz normal. Kann mir jemand helfen was ich tun kann? Update habe ich mehrere male versucht, keine Wirkung.
    • Habe heute folgenden thread gefunden, das ist genau gleich wie bei mir.
      Hi there,

      I don't like my first post on a forum to be asking help with a problem, but I'm struggling to get anywhere so I'm hoping someone might have a few minutes spare to help me out.

      I've had a Phantom 3 Professional for about a week now, and updated to the latest firmware on arrival. I have been flying it around all week with no problems, then today out of nowhere, I suddenly get an issue where there is no signal coming from the camera. The iPhone and iPad app both show "No signal" in Red.

      There does appear to be some communication between the Phantom and the RC, as I can power the motors on and hover it. I just can't seem to get any video feed from it at all.
      When the aircraft powers up, the camera/gimbal go through a movement procedure, but then after about 10 seconds, the camera and gimbal go limp and the camera is just hanging around.

      I'm not sure if it could be related, but today I used a different SD card, that's the only thing I've done differently. So far I've tried :

      - Complete power cycle several times
      - Moving back to the original SD card
      - Tried both iPad and iPhone and a different USB cable
      - Force closed app and re-opened, and rebooted the tablet and phone

      If anyone has any suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate it.

      Thanks for reading

      Also bin ich nicht lleine mit dem problem, weiss jemand eine Lösung?