Firmware P3X_FW_V01.10.0090.bin will nicht so ganz

    ACHTUNG: Mit der neuen EU Drohnenverordnung muß sich jeder Drohnen-Betreiber beim Luftfahrtbundesamt registrieren und seine Drohne mit der e-ID kennzeichnen! Ein passendes Kennzeichen bekommst Du hier im Shop. Außerdem benötigst Du eine Drohnen-Versicherung. Hier geht es zu unserem Drohnen-Versicherungsvergleich. Informationen zum neuen EU Drohnenführerschein gibt es hier.

    • Firmware P3X_FW_V01.10.0090.bin will nicht so ganz


      nach Abschluss des Fimrwares Updates habe ich mir die Result.txt angesehen und leider bei der Version P3X_FW_V01.10.0090.bin kein Success gefunden.

      Kann mir bitte jemand helfen

      Untenstehend das komplette Log:

      ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:12 remo-con disconnect======
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.05.0030.bin
      Upgrading ...
      Result: Success.

      ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:13 remo-con disconnect======
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.05.0030.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2015.12.06 14:14:40 =====================
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.05.0030.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2015.12.06 14:19:01 =====================
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.05.0030.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:13 remo-con disconnect======
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin
      Upgrading ...
      Result: Success.

      ========== 2015.12.27 11:51:48 =====================
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin
      Upgrading ...
      Result: Success.

      ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:12 remo-con disconnect======
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.06.0040.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:12 remo-con disconnect======
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin
      Upgrading ...
      Result: Success.

      ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:11 remo-con disconnect======
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.07.0060.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:11 remo-con disconnect======
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.08.0080.bin
      Upgrading ...
      Result: Success.

      ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:11 remo-con disconnect======
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.08.0080.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2016.04.08 11:37:35 =====================
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.08.0080.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2016.04.08 11:46:54 =====================
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.08.0080.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2016.04.26 13:17:58 =====================
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.08.0080.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2016.04.26 13:22:35 =====================
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.08.0080.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2016.04.26 13:25:56 =====================
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.08.0080.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2016.04.26 14:32:11 =====================
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.08.0080.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:12 remo-con disconnect======
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.08.0080.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:11 remo-con disconnect======
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.08.0080.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2016.04.26 18:03:12 =====================
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.08.0080.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:15 remo-con disconnect======
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.10.0090.bin
      Upgrading ...

      ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:12 remo-con disconnect======
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.10.0090.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.

      ========== 2014.01.01 00:00:13 remo-con disconnect======
      Packet: P3X_FW_V01.10.0090.bin
      Result: Abort.
      The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft.
    • DaU!

      Das Update ist bereits erfolgreich installiert.

      Diese Meldung "The firmware on the SD card is identical to or older than the current firmware on the aircraft." bedeutet,

      Die Firmware auf deiner SD Karte ist identisch (oder älter) mit der auf dem Kopter installierten!

      Also ist die 1.10.0090 bereits auf deinem Kopter installiert. Deswegen wurde das Update abgebrochen ( Abort.).