Drone Shot down while Arming

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    • Drone Shot down while Arming

      Hello there,

      pleas help i stuck at a problem for Days.... When i Arm my Copter or testing the motors on betafilght the dji air unit o3 shut down and the motors stop. It is connected with the normal calbe between airunit and fc.
      The test for motor spinning works but when i start a test with more than 1040 rotaions in betaflight the dji air unit stops working too. Looks like a Volatgeproblem. All oins on the Fc has the correct voltage before i arm it. After the Dji O3 shut down, all volatge ports has 3,3 volt ( 3,3, 5 and 9 V slot). All Cabels are connected correctly and no touch with the frame. Also the whole ariunit is with silicon isolated to the frame. The Fc has still Power after the airunit is shutting down.

      set up : Speedybee f 405 v3 , T-Motor v2207 v2 1950 kv , Airunit 3 ,DJI Remot 2, Dji Google V2

      PS: before i arm, the OSD and is showed right in the Googles and the voltage of the batterie too. After arming the connection is lost.

      please please help....
    • Hi,
      are you by any chance using a smoke stopper? Because this would be the expected behavior when trying to spin motors with a smoke stopper, and a usual trap for new players.
      The purpose of a smoke stopper is to limit current to a very low (hopefully save) value. When you run into this current limit, voltage will drop and things will shut down.
      With a smoke stopper, you can only spin a single motor at a time, at a very low speed. After testing everything, and if spinning motors too fast is the only scenario that will trip the smoke stopper, you have to remove it from your quad for further testing.

      And please don't arm a quad to test the motors, use the "I understand the risk" thingy and the sliders in the Betaflight motors tab instead. Arming will activate the PID loop, and will not give you direct control over the motors.
    • Hi,

      i don't know what i should say... may i am really the mega noob but u was right... i was so sraced of blow my fc that i still used the smokestopper :D

      I armed it and hell there was such a power.... now i just have to fix the "BADRX" Error and rebuild the OSD. But maybe it was about the Flash? I flashed the second newest update ?

      Thanks for safing the noob so much time... ;D
    • BADRX is often caused by an out-of-bounds channel value. So, maybe your transmitter is sending a value too far below 1000 or too high above 2000 on any channel. If so, this should be fixed on the transmitter side, if possible. Ideally, you want to hit exactly 1000 and 2000 at the ends of the stick range (or whatever channel). It's possible to compensate for inaccurate potentiometers by overshooting a little bit, but not too much.
      In edgeTX, the channel range can be adjusted in the output menu, by changing the -100 and 100 values.

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